Zero waste swaps - why you should try solid dish soap - Soap Cult Australia

Zero waste swaps - why you should try solid dish soap

Zero waste living sounds intense but really, it's just a way of reducing your impact on the environment. The zero-waste movement aims to reduce our reliance on throwaway items by finding better alternatives. This helps to create a circular economy closer to what we see in nature. Everything gets broken down and is used again. 

One of the best ways to reduce your impact on the environment is to switch to solid dish soap. Instead of squirting liquid soap into the sink from a plastic bottle, you can now lather up using a special bar of soap, made especially for degreasing and cleaning everything from glassware to frying pans.

Dish Magic is the perfect zero-waste alternative to liquid dish soap. It contains no plastic and is plant-based, biodegradable and has minimal ingredients. It's not just soap; it's a dish-washing, grease-cutting miracle.

dish magic soap customer photo
Our dish soap is plant-based, free from synthetics and grey water safe. It's all-natural, all the time. And what's more, it's the perfect zero-waste alternative to liquid dish soap. With mandarin essential oil and organic coffee for extra scrub, your nose will be treated to a much more pleasant scent than a chemically lemon or pine.

If you're not already using dish soap, you're missing out on a real zero-waste kitchen secret. It's simple to get started. We even have a starter pack that contains solid dish soap, a compostable and biodegradable scrubber and a wooden soap dish.

There's no special equipment needed. We've kept it simple because where there's barriers to switching to more eco-friendly products, that's when people often delay switching. But seriously, it's just too easy to switch to something more sustainable.

dish magic on coffin tray customer photo

Want to learn more about zero waste living? Here's the basics

Zero waste living has five pillars or principles: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Compost and Recycle. Yes, recycling is last because unfortunately, much of the recyclable waste that's produced doesn't get recycled.

When enough of us refuse to purchase overpackaged or unnecessarily packaged goods, the demand drops and manufacturers are forced to innovate. Recycling alone doesn't tackle the production problem (source).
Are you ready for the challenge? Switch out your dishwashing liquid, today.