Crystal, Gem and Mineral Metaphysical Encyclopedia - Soap Cult Australia

Crystal, Gem and Mineral Metaphysical Encyclopedia

The world of crystals and minerals is vast and enchanting, offering a realm of metaphysical properties that can enrich and transform our lives.

These beautiful stones have been revered across numerous cultures for thousands of years, and with good reason.

They can help us in various aspects of our lives, such as enhancing personal well-being, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

By exploring the unique qualities attributed to different crystals and minerals, one can harness their potential and embark on a rewarding journey of self-discovery and healing.

Remember to always consult a medical professional for any physical or mental ailments. Crystals can help support healing but they should never replace medication or professional treatment. 

Prior to relaunching Sailor Mouth Soaps/Soap Cult Australia, we had another business called, The Song of The Winds. It was a metaphysical store that sold crystal and offered tarot readings. Although we don't run TSOTW anymore, we have so much acquired knowledge about crystals and we wanted to share that with you all.  

We have a small crystal collection in the shop - be sure to check it out! 

*one of these days we'll get around to adding our extensive tumbles collection*



Angelite (Blue Anhydrite)

Some of the energies associated with Angelite are:

  • Gentle Self Expression
  • Connected to the Throat Chakra
  • Promotes feelings of calm, serenity and peace
  • Expanded awareness and consciousness
  • Serves as a physical representation of ones guardian angels, guides or spirits
  • When held, it’s believed we can receive love and guidance from our guides
  • Excellent for meditation with spirit guides as with the improved communication also associated with this crystal, you are better able to express what you have seen, heard or know from your experiences with spirit

Aqua Aura Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Angel Aura Quartz are:

  • Highly stimulating to the Throat Chakra
  • Enhances effective communication
  • Facilities the release of negativity
  • Cools anger and releases stress
  • Helps you see your emotions but not attach to them
  • Bring about a spiritual evolution and assension



Some of the energies associated with Amethyst are:

  • Developing your intuition
  • Divination 
  • Enhances creativity
  • Mental focus and discipline 
  • Decisiveness in decision making
  • Promotes spiritual awakening 

Aura Amethyst

Some of the energies associated with Aura treatments are:

  • Greater clarity and spiritual wholeness
  • Protective and "fluffs" out your aura 
  • Mystical wisdom
  • Align heart and mind which can aid writing and artistic activites
  • Meditation enhancer


Some of the energies associated with Agates are:

  • Effective expression, especially with writing
  • Provide support for people who work emotionally draining jobs
  • Encourage decisiveness 


Some of the energies associated with Ametrine are:

  • A harmonious blend of Amethyst and Citrine, combining their unique properties
  • Seeks to unite the feminine and masculine energies within us all, creating a powerful balance
  • Very useful with mental health issues and stress
  • Some people have reported it helps relieve the pain of migraine and headache that results from chronic stress
  • Very useful for addiction, especially to unhealthy food



Some of the energies associated with Ammonites are:

  • Grounding and protection
  • Helps channel negativity into free flowing energy
  • Facilitates adding structure into a chaotic lifestyle
  • Stimulates the chi within us
  • Courage and self-confidence building

Apophyllite Stilbite

Some of the energies associated with Apophyllite are:

  • Meditation and increasing psychic abilities
  • Connection with guides or angels
  • Helps you to see the spiritual purpose for challenging times

Stilbite adds in the extra properties of:

  • Facilitates the opening and healing of the heart chakra
  • Encourages you to be vulnerable and open with others in a way that promotes emotional healing
  • Joy, softness and connection to others
  • Aids in a restful sleep

Together, they amplify and soften each other’s properties, connecting the heart and mind so you can act in greater alignment with your true self.


Some of the energies associated with Aventurine are:

  • Heart healing by balancing the Heart Chakra
  • Increases your luck and prosperity
  • Increased compassion and empathy
  • Calms anger and helps you come with creative solutions to problems you’re facing


Some of the energies associated with Azurite are:

  • Activation of the Third Eye Chakra
  • Development of psychic powers, intuition and dreamwork
  • Stimulates the intellect and is beneficial while studying
  • Gives you greater insight into your personal motives and actions so you can work on acting from a place outside of ego
  • Useful for psychics to interpret the messages received without personal bias or judgement




Bumble Bee Jasper

Some of the energies associated with Bumblebee Jasper are:

  • Motivates you to complete productive work
  • Enables a “hive mind” when working in teams
  • Helps you make pragmatic decisions without emotions clouding you
  • Increases self esteem
  • Gives you the confidence to seek out new opportunities 




Some of the energies associated with Carnelian are:

  • Increased focus during study
  • Energising properties
  • Boost in confidence and courage to take a leap of faith
  • Increased sexuality
  • Aligns with the Sacral Chakra
  • Increases your personal power


Some of the energies associated with Chrysocolla are:

  • Teaches us that genuine power is best demonstrated through kind and gentle actions
  • A Goddess stone, it connects us to the Earth and all of her divine beauty and creation
  • Facilitates stream of consciousness speaking via an activated Throat Chakra, often results in profound, wise communication
  • A teaching stone that will help you become a teacher and guide to others and help you find a guide for yourself
  • Helps to gently release fear-based imbalances



Some of the energies associated with Citrine are:

  • Helps foster a sunny disposition
  • Increases joy and creativity
  • Connects with the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Beneficial for wealth and prosperity
  • Improved manifestation due to stronger willpower

Clear Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Clear Quartz are:

  • Amplification of all energies
  • Can be programmed for any intention
  • Meditation while visualising your goal enables you to manifest faster
  • Powerful manifestation crystal
  • Removes energy blockages and allows energy to flow freely through the body
  • Connects to all Chakras


Calcite (honey yellow)

Some of the energies associated with Honey Yellow Calcite are:

  • Energises and invigorates
  • Allows you to see the sunnier, more positive side of life
  • Removes emotional blockages
  • Connects with the Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Facilitates the completion of complex tasks and projects by keeping you grounded, motivated and focused simultaneously
  • Breaking old patterns and feeling excited to try something new in your life


Calcite (orange)

Some of the energies associated with Orange Calcite are:

  • Energises and cleanses simultaneously
  • Balancing to the emotions
  • Boosts confidence so that fear cannot take hold
  • Uplifting and empowering
  • Provides its energies in a gentle, steady but powerful way


Calcite (green)

Some of the energies associated with Green Calcite are:

  • Nourishing to the Heart Chakra so you can see the lovely things about you
  • Expands your heart-space so you can feel more connected and understanding towards others
  • Connects us to Gaia
  • Helps release stress and resentment, encouraging forgiveness in yourself and others
  • Inspires you to make positive changes in your life
  • Increases vitality, feelings of joy and inspiration


Blue Calcite

Some of the energies associated with Blue Calcite are:

  • Clears your Throat Chakra so you can speak your truth from a heart-centered place
  • Enables the flow of communication and ideas
  • Soothing and calming
  • Reduces anger, quickly taking the fire out of you before you say something you’ll regret
  • Facilities gentle healing on all metaphysical levels




Some of the energies associated with Dumortierite are:

  • Aids with memory retention and ideation
  • Enhances all mental abilities
  • Activates latent psychic abilities within you
  • Helps make mental leaps from blockage to creative ideas
  • Ideal for tarot readers and astrologers as it combines the mental with the psychic
  • Inspires intense artistic outpourings





Some of the energies associated with Fluorite are:

  • Focus on task at hand
  • Improved study 
  • Progress towards goals
  • Promotes self-confidence
  • Protection from deceptive and misleading people


  • Adds growth and nature/earth based properties



Green Tourmaline


Some of the energies associated with Green Tourmaline are:

  • Yang in its energy but a strong Heart Chakra stone
  • Enhances courage and stamina
  • Enhances strength and vitality
  • Excellent for gardeners and it connects you further to nature
  • Positively impacts bonds with animals
  • Calms and balances emotions
  • Encourages you into physical activity


Gabbro Merlinite


Some of the energies associated with Gabbro are:

  • Cools violence in tempers
  • Assists in having “ah hah!” moments when studying esoteric subjects such as astrology, tarot, numerology etc.
  • Useful in divination as it channels information from Spirit realms. It’s especially powerful when combined with Obsidian
  • Facilitates seeing the spiritual lesson in trying times
  • Eases and facilitates connection with all physical realm spirits


Some of the energies associated with Girasol are:


  • Facilitates the flow of Reiki energy
  • Enhances creativity in the arts
  • Creative decision making in the business world
  • Balances the emotions, especially excessive behaviours
  • Relaxing and promotes hope
  • Aids communication about difficult topics


Golden Healer

Some of the energies associated with Golden Healer are:

  • High vibration crystal
  • Facilitates spiritual experiences when meditated with
  • Connection with the Divine
  • Healing self and others
  • Support those working in healing roles, such as medicine, counselling, energy work etc

Golden Aura Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Golden Aura Quartz are:

  • High vibration crystal
  • Creates a link between the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras
  • Helps you feel a sense of sovereignty over your own life and choices
  • Inspires compassionate thought that often translates to charity work and lightworker type roles
  • Utilises the amplification properties of Quartz with the heart-based energy of love
  • Works to align all chakras





Some of the energies associated with Hematite are:

  • Connects to the Root Chakra
  • Ultra-grounding crystal (it’s a dense crystal)
  • Protective
  • Useful for travel as helps alleviate nausea
  • Helps unite spiritual desires with reality
  • Powerful in goal setting and manifestation






Kambaba Jasper


Some of the energies associated with Kambaba Jasper are:

  • Connects to the Root Chaka
  • Intensely grounding in a calm, “I can weather anything” way
  • Fosters new creativity and fertility in “out of the box” thinking
  • Increases resilience and perspective
  • Especially protective when outdoors
  • Said to help mend a broken heart





Some of the energies associated with Labradorite are:

  • Useful in divination and magickal practices
  • Connected to the Third Eye Chakra
  • Helps the user recognise extremes in themselves and achieve greater balance
  • Excellent for use in meditation and dreamwork
  • Facilitates an awareness of why you might be behaving or feeling a certain way


Some of the energies associated with Larimar are:

  • Cools explosive anger and calms excessive fear
  • Balances “fight and flight” response and encourages you to speak your truth
  • Enhances communication
  • Considered to be a Goddess stone
  • A calming tonic giving you the strength to speak from the heart
  • Helps you recognise what steps to take next in your life



Some of the energies associated with Lepidolite are: 

  • Reduces anxiety and allows you to find your centre during difficult times
  • Helps you see a new approach to life is needed
  • Helps to remove old patterns of behaviour, making way for more balance and calm in your life




Mookaite Jasper

Some of the energies associated with Mookaite are: 

  • Opening yourself up to new experiences
  • Face challenges with a sense of calm
  • Helps make the root cause of procrastination clear
  • Improved self confidence
  • Grounding and connection to the Earth



Some of the energies associated with Malachite are:

  • Provides an intense protection from negative energy
  • Enhances your own positive vibes and deflects hostility directed at you
  • Provides an energetic shielding from negative people so they are less likely to direct their attention to you
  • Supportive to the Heart Chakra, especially for people that would ordinarily emotionally take on other peoples problems and consider them their own
  • Supports you to take charge or your life and manifest your dreams and desires
  • An excellent support crystal for those in a Leadership role as it provides protection, heart expansion but also helps you act from a place outside of ego





Some of the energies associated with Orthoceras are:

  • Transformation
  • Connection to the Root Chakra
  • Receptivity to change





Rose Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Rose Quartz are:

  • Unconditional love, including self-love
  • Emotional healing
  • Calm and cleanse the energetic field
  • Helps expel anger and resentment
  • Helps release tension, stress, anxiety and fear
  • Helps resolve negative emotional programing

Rutilated Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Rutilated Quartz are:

  • Speeds up manifestation
  • Further amplifies the properties of regular Quartz Crystal
  • Moves energy quickly, lightening the emotional load
  • Assists in quickly connecting with higher levels of conscionness
  • Super charges artistic inspiration, allowing it to flow faster

Rose Aura Treatment

Some of the energies associated with Rose Aura treatments are:

  • Provides a feeling of gentle balance 
  • Aligns well with women who's experienced abuse and trauma
  • Disolves feelings of doubt and self-critisim 
  • Gentle, loving vibrations encourage you to do more self-care activities
  • Hold during meditation for a greater sense of self-love and acceptance


Ruby in Zoisite

Some of the energies associated with Ruby in Zoisite are:

  • Enhancement of psychic abilities
  • Reduces mood swings and being negatively affected by the energy of others (empath protection)
  • Helps give you strength and comfort when grieving
  • Offers the energy of happiness and strength
  • Connects with the Root, Heart and Third Eye Chakras, making it an ideal crystal work with for any feelings that are overwhelming to you


Red Jasper

Some of the energies associated with Red Jasper are:

  • Stabilising energy that works gently over time with your own energy
  • Connects to Root Chakra but has most noticeable impacts on the Sacral Chakra where increased creativity and sexual energy is reported
  • Encourages strength in expressing your truth
  • Increases endurance and stamina



Some of the energies associated with Septarian are:

  • Promotes confidence in public speaking
  • Builds trust of others in you
  • Acknowledge and accept when you need to make amends with others


Some of the energies associated with Stilbite are:

  • Fosters a greater understanding of what to be grateful for in your life
  • Facilitates the opening and healing of the heart chakra
  • Encourages you to be vulnerable and open with others in a way that promotes emotional healing
  • Joy, softness and connection to others
  • Aids in a restful sleep


Some of the energies associated with Selenite are:

  • High vibration crystal that connects to the Crown Chakra
  • Encourages you to overcome stagnation
  • Aids in connection with guides during meditation
  • It’s the ultimate team player and works with/amplifies any other crystals you’re working with at the same time


Some of the energies associated with Scolecite are:

  • High vibration crystal that connects to the Crown and Third Eye Chakras
  • Promotes feelings of peace so it’s highly useful in sleep and meditation
  • Invites peaceful interactions with like minded people
  • Helps you feel calm and peaceful when faced with life’s difficulties


Some of the energies associated with Seraphinite are:

  • High vibration crystal
  • Aligns our nonphysical bodies with our sense of self by connecting the Root to the Heart chakra
  • Encourages a sense of wholeness and completion
  • Facilitates self-healing and regeneration of energy
  • Suitable for working with all chakras
  • Useful in kinesiology as it can help unblock the meridians
  • Meditations outdoors with Seraphinite helps connect with Gaia
  • Associated with angelic realms

Smoky Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Smoky Quartz are:

  • Deeply grounding crystal
  • Associated with the Root Chakra
  • Helpful in meditation or visualisation exercises to bring you back down to earth and make your visions tangible in the real world
  • Cleanses and clears the aura and energetic systems in a way similar to Sage smoke
  • Grounds negativity so it’s ideal for anger issues, cooling frayed nerves and tempers
  • Useful to keep around your computer or electromagnetic devices to counter excessive radiation

Shiva Lingam

Some of the energies associated with Shiva Lingam are:

  • Increase in fertility such as through creative and artistic activities
  • Unifies the divine masculine and divine feminine within us all
  • Aligns all Chakras but especially the Root Chakra
  • Marries knowledge with wisdom for more a more balanced and holistic approach in life





Some of the energies associated with Thulite are:

  • Helps you see the fundamental good in all people (including you!)
  • Connects the heart and mind leading to an improved mood and outlook
  • Makes it easier to find a connection to others, something you both have in common
  • Useful in management, sales, leadership, coaching and counselling professions
  • Helps you form healthy self-care rituals for yourself without guilt


Titanium (Rainbow) Aura Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Titanium Aura Quartz are:

  • Enhances physical energy and bring more energy into your auric field
  • Increases healing energy
  • Brings rainbow colour spectrum into the aura
  • Helps you release negative energy and bring in more positive
  • Useful in aura repair
  • Brings more joy, energy and excitement to yourself


Tiger Iron

Some of the energies associated with Tiger Iron are:

  • Connects to the Root Chakra for deep grounding in the here and now
  • Strength, stamina and courage
  • Stops the “space cadet” feelings and helps you deal with practical matters
  • A favourite with strength trainers, endurance racing, cardio
  • Kick bad habits with improved will-power

Tourmalinated Quartz

Some of the energies associated with Tourmalinated Quartz are:

  • Effectively cleanses yourself and areas of negativity
  • Clear Quartz amplifies while the Tourmaline protects and clears
  • Stimulates clear thinking
  • Useful for keeping on the “straight and narrow” for those that have  struggled with addiction and crime
  • Psychic protection
  • Acts as an auric shower – very useful in negative environments and around people you would rather avoid

Black Tourmaline

Some of the energies associated with Black Tourmaline are:

  • Effectively cleanses yourself and areas of negativity
  • Powerfully protective especially against psychic attack
  • The essential crystal to have when you can’t avoid being in negative places or around negative people
  • Helps relieve negative thought patterns, anxiety, anger and feelings of worthlessness
  • Helps to channel general negativity into something useable and positive





Some of the energies associated with Unakite are:

  • Improves communication and connection in partnerships of all kinds
  • Ideal for group/partner projects in the workplace or school
  • Helps to balance emotions so that our material and spiritual needs feel equally validated
  • Useful with addictive tendencies where excess consumption isn’t good for our health, such as overeating, too much alcohol etc
  • Helps connect Root to Heart chakra








Zebra Stone

Some of the energies associated with Zebra Stone are:

  • Grounds you in the “here and now”
  • Increases creativity
  • Improved “out of the box” thinking
  • Enhanced problem solving
  • Aids in increased endurance for physical and mental activites